Ativa 12 Digit Calculator Manual Average ratng: 9,6/10 3755 votes
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Large, easy and convenient online calculator

  • Ativa by Product Types To locate your free Ativa manual, choose a product type below. Showing Product Types 1 - 11 of 11.
  • Ativa AT-10 Calculator User Manual. Of 2 Getting Started. Note: Your Calculator is powered with. An Affordable, 12-Digit Multi-function.
  • How do I reset my calculator? Most printing calculators have a reset button located either on the bottom of the unit or in the battery compartment. Visit our Product Manuals page and locate your model number. Click on Product Manuals or Quick Start Guide for instructions on how to reset your calculator.

Use for work, school or personal calculations. You can make not only simple math calculations and calculation of interest on the loan and bank lending rates, the calculation of the cost of works and utilities.

See the figures clearly with this calculator's big 12-digit display. Made tough for intensive use on your desktop, it also includes three-key memory, tax and mark-up functions. Ativa online financial calculators are easy-to-use and allow clients to enter different scenarios to personalize their results. Calculators are programmed in HTML for ease of use on your website.

Commands for the online calculator you can enter not only the mouse, but with a digital computer keyboard. Detailed instructions for using the calculator, see below.

Instructions for using the online calculator

Keys function

Happy chick download for mac. [ 0 ], [ 1 ], [ 2 ], .. [ 9 ] - standard number keys;
[ 00 ] - key input 2 zeros;
[ → ] - remove the last character on the display;
[ +/- ] - change the mathematical sign of;
[ XY ] - calculation of X to the power of Y;
[ √ ] - calculate the square root;
[ + ] - addition, [ - ] - subtraction, [ х ] - multiplication, [ ÷ ] - division;
[ % ] - calculates percentages;
[ M+ ] - stored in the memory with the sign [ + ];
[ M- ] - stored in the memory with the sign [ - ];
[ MR ] - get the contents of memory;
[ MC ] - erases the memory content;
[ AC ] - reset the calculator and reset the memory;
[ C ] - resets the calculator without resetting the memory.

Ativa 12 Digit Calculator Manual Generator

Examples of calculations on the online calculator

Calculate the square root of 529: 529 [ √ ]. The result is equal to 23.
Raise the number 3 to a power 4: 3 [ XY ] 4 [ = ]. The result is equal to 81.
Calculation of percentage of the number of: 500 [ х ] 25 [ % ]. The result is equal to 125.
Calculating what percent is one number of another number: 25 [ ÷ ] 500 [ % ]. The result is equal to 5(%).
Adding percentage to the number: 500 [ + ] 25 [ % ]. The result is equal to 625.
Deduction percentage of the number: 500 [ - ] 25 [ % ]. The result is equal to 375.

Enter commands from the keyboard PC/Mac

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To use free online calculator you can use both ordinary numeric buttons at the top of a keyboard and numeric buttons on the right of a keyboard.

Ativa 12 Digit Calculator Manual Excel

To enter [ = ] - key [Enter].
To erase the last character - [Backspace] (arrow keys).
To enter [ + ] - key [ + ] at the top or [ + ] key on the numeric keypad on the right.
To enter [ - ] - key [ - ] at the top or [ - ] key on the right.
To enter [ x ] (multiplication) - key [ * ] on the numeric keypad on the right or a combination of keys[ * ] and [ Shift ].
To enter [ ÷ ] (divide) - key [ / ] on the numeric keypad on the right or a combination of keys [ : ] and [ Shift ].

Frequently asked questions about the calculator

Ativa 12 Digit Calculator Manual

Why do we get 8 when trying to calculate 2+2x2 with a calculator?

Calculator performs mathematical operations in accordance with the order they are entered. You can see the current math calculations in a smaller display that is below the main display of the calculator.

Calculations order for this given example is the following: 2+2=4, subtotal - 4. Then 4x2=8, the answer is 8.

The History of calculators

Ativa 12 Digit Calculator Manual Transmission

The ancestor of the modern calculator is Abacus, which means 'board' in Latin. Abacus was a grooved board with movable counting labels (stones or bones).

Ativa 12 Digit Calculator Manual 3

Presumably, the first Abacus appeared in ancient Babylon about 3 thousand years BC. In Ancient Greece, abacus appeared in the 5th century BC.